Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lifestyle Crafts is giving away the Letterpress Combo Kit and your very own custom printing plate. All you need to do is go to their blog -- www.lifestylecrafts.blogspot.com
There are 3 ways to enter to win
1 become a follower on their blog
2 become a fan on facebook
3 post this on your own personal blog

Good luck.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wow I really need to update this more often. I need to commit to blogging more. Maybe I can set that as a new years resolution.

Well whats new with me. My little girl just turned 4 a few weeks ago. She is getting so big. Where did my baby go. :( We had a Scooby doo birthday party for her and invited all her preschool friends and some friends from our church. It was fun.
Speaking of preschool. Campbell loves it and misses it when she doesnt go. She only goes Tuesdays and Thursdays. Everyday she asks if its preschool day or not and she gets sad when its not.

Well I havent got much scrapping done lately been to busy or just havent felt like getting it all out and working on stuff. Dont get me wrong I have a lot to do and would like to get caught up maybe 6 months farther than where I am at. I am currently making mini albums to send to my friends and family that live in Iowa and I have to get a Design team project done for the LSS ( a home decor item thats vintage-- Its going to be a hard one for me). I have accomplished one goal I had for this year and that was making Christmas cards. I got them done at the end of October.

Well thats about it for now. We are trying to get the house ready for Christmas. The tree is up with lights and most of the ornaments and a few decorations are out.
Have a great day!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I am not a good blogger. I am going to try and post more often. Anyways.

So Summer has officially hit in virginia. It is going to be a hot one today. High of at least 90 or more and humid as all get out. Fun fun.

Lets see what is new. Well Campbell is growing, growing. She said to us a couple of weeks ago something she picked up off tv. I had some money sitting on the table and she turns and looks at it and says " thats the money you could be saving with Geico." I was like what and she repeated it and I told her she watches too much tv and then we had a good laugh about it.

Well I am not working for at least another couple of weeks. Kinda stinks but whatever. The people I work for has an older son thats out of college for the summer and since he is home they dont need me. If he gets a summer job then I could possibly be watching their daughter for the summer. Which would be nice but we will see.

Oh another new this is that our church is doing a New Testament Challenge and we are reading through the New testament in 56 days. Currently I am about a week behind but later today when I do my reading I will be only a couple of days behind. Its a great challenge for me since I have never really read the bible but parts here and there. I am also excited to finish it too since to me it will feel like I acomplished something.
I have also found a new life group within our church and feel like I can really relate and fit in with the group members. Which is super cool.

I havent been scrapping too much in the last month or so because I have kinda lost my focus and creativity and just the stress of a couple projects I needed to get done. I do have a mini album to do for one of the Design teams I am on and thats not in my comfort level but I am excited to do something new for me. Plus with my new little printer I can get smaller pictures like 2x2 and wallet etc. Thanks Joe and Campbell for my mothers day gift.

Well thats about it for now. have a good one all.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Phewwwww its been a whirlwind

Wow its been a whirlwind of the last month or so.

I have finally caught scrappers block. I got so comsumed with catching up and now I need a bit of a break. I have had little spots of inspiration but its been few and far between. I am going to a crop on Saturday and hope to have something so I can get a page or two done.

Have I told you that I love facebook. I have been able to get in touch with some friends from Iowa and its been great. I also was able to have a nice conversation this morning with my best friend and to top it off it was free.

Sorry Joe just walked in so I need to get off here. Will try and add more later. have a great one all.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Its been a busy couple of days. I feel like I ahave been running everywhere.
Wed I went to scrap and had a great time and did a little bit done . Then yesterday I had to take my mom to the dentist since she was having some teeth pulled. While we were waiting Campbell and I went shopping and I had to pick something up I let someone borrow. Then today we had to run some errands and I am off to the post office here in a few moments.
Other than that nothing else really new.

I did get my projects finished for Shop Remember When. I will try and share them later here on my blog. So I am all caught up.

Have a great one all.

Monday, February 23, 2009

HI all-- I havent posted in a long time and I am sure no one prolly reads this anyway but oh well.

Whats new-- I have made two design teams. One for a local store in Chesapeake, VA - All About Scrapbooks and then another one for an online store (to me -- they also have a real store) Shop Remember When in Texas.
I have been makeing creations for the local store since Sept and I will be posting my first creations for SRW soon. I am super excited and to think at one time I didnt even want to try out for any teams. (Thanks Paula)

Life is going well. I work one day a week which is nice. I wont lie I do wish I worked two days like before but I am happy to have this and it does help.
Campbell is growing more and more. She has hit the terrible 3's. Joe and I hit the 6 year mark on the 15th of this month. I cant believe its been that long.
He is still working hard for Dollar Tree. So far this year no overtime but I know it will be coming soon.

On the scrapping front. I have been a scrappin fool lately and have been getting a lot done. I am so happy about that. I am so excited for the quickutz release tomorrow!!!!

Well thats about it for me right now. I just got home from work and need to go check my emails and websites. Have a great one.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Its been a while

Well hey all those that read this.

I am doing well. I did a lot of scrapbooking during the month of may and some in june. I get in the groove every so often. I had a great weekend of scrapping during the 4th of july. Didnt get a whole lot done but did get something done.

Well one big thing did happen about 3 weeks ago and that is that my mother suffered a heart attack. She is doing well but just tired a lot. It has been determined that she is over medicated. She has to cut back on one of her meds and we will see in about two weeks if that helps. I sure hope so.
I was so scared when it happened since I lost my father to a heart attack 13 years ago. I kept telling myself that I cant those her this way to.
I am doing better each day. I still do worry about her and just happy she is getting better.

Campbell is growing more and more and its great. I just wish I could get her potty trained. She just doesnt seem interested and doesnt know when she goes. Oh well it will happen soon. We are also talking about preschool. Not sure where that will go or what we are going to do.

Well thats about all I know. My birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks and I cant wait. I am trying to talk my husband into taking a little trip but I dont think he is getting it. Maybe next year.

alright all have a good one.